Motorcycle Travel Discussion Forum

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Create New Trip versus Trip Builder

Posted on Maart 19, 2023 by Smithy
Posted on Maart 19, 2023 by Smithy (Member Score: 0)

Hi David

I've watched your video on "Trip Builder" and as a recent site sponsor wondered if this was a feature that you physically enabled once sponsorship was confirmed as I currently don't see this when I log on.
I do see " Create New Trip" which is what I saw before sponsorship or are they one in the same?
Also, is there a way of contacting you directly to ask the odd question rather than through the forum?
Many thanks in advance, Steve.

Posted on Maart 19, 2023 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8801)

Hello Steve,

Yes create new trip is the correct way to access the trip builder. The Trip Builder only works for sponsors.

Best way to chat to me is on this forum, I get a notification when you post and this also allows other users who may have similar questions to search through our chats and find useful information.

I hope you enjoy my project.

All the best


Posted on Maart 20, 2023 by Smithy (Member Score: 0)

Hi David

Many thanks for your quick response.

Best Regards

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